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NBC Wins GOLD -- 2024 Summer Olympics NTI Wrap-Up

Written by Lisa Hollaender | VP, Director of Content Strategy | Aug 26, 2024 3:15:00 PM

From the live Daytime Opening Ceremony and introduction of the athletes as they boated down the Seine, to the entertainment in the streets of Paris to the passing and lighting of the torch through the rituals of the Closing (also live in daytime), the 2024 summer games from Paris created a new enthusiasm for the 17-day-event. The Paris Olympics brought back the excitement that was lacking in Tokyo due to the pandemic. According to NBC, there was 7,000 hours of coverage, 329 events in and around the City of Light (and Tahiti!), and numerous breakout stars for Team USA". The Primetime averages achieved 1st place finishes on each of the 17 nights; there was an 11% increase in the daypart over 2021; M-F and Wknd Daytime boasted 75% and 62% gains, respectively, thanks to the live Opening and Closing Ceremonies; US athletes secured more medals than any other country (125 in total=40 Gold, 44 Silver and 41 Bronze) and as a plus for broadcast -- NBC won GOLD over Cable!  

For more insight into the national 2024 Summer Olympics' performance, dive into a myriad of facts and figures in this interactive Infographic which includes links to an Olympic PowerPoint presentation and a detailed excel worksheet with Olympic NTI tracking and trending.