It's a wrap on the 2022-23 "live" Network Upfront presentations and all have announced actual Primetime schedules for Fall and beyond. Though, we all know, anything can change between now and September. KTG's Content Strategy has put together a few facts and figures that highlight strategies, facts and schedules for each network. A consensus between all the nets for their Fall schedules appeared to be: "Stability", "Limited Sitcoms" and "More Alternative Programming". Why not take a couple of minutes to find out some of the things you might have missed from this season's Upfronts?
This interactive guide includes: a Fall 2022 Prime Grid; new series descriptions; two Quick-Take NTI Performance highlight pages for 2021-22 (make sure to hover over the charts with the cursor to get the exact number of Impressions); and individual pages for each network on "5 Things to Know" from the presentations.